
Showing posts from 2018

Tips for communicating with deaf-blind 2018

              Tips for communicating with deaf-blind people Get the blind-deaf person attention :-Get attention by a gentle tap on the shoulder and touch his and her hand gently. Using tactile signs :-  Deaf-blind individual put his or her hands over signer’s hands to feel the shape movement and location of the sign to communicate.                English based tactile :- Deaf-blind person uses tactile fingerspelling for communication ever letter have unique symbols. All tactile symbols . Using Tadoma :- Deaf-blind people to speech read by touch.They put their thumb other person chin, and their finger on another person's cheek to feel the vibration of the person' voice and movement of their lips. more...                          Using screen braille communicator: - Two people use screen braille communicator to communicate with each other.Screen braille communicator is a small portable device.Which have qwerty keyboard and LCD display and eight